
Advanced Clinical EFT Practitioner & Life Coach
Certified Health Coach
Women's Circle Facilitator
Herbal Medicine for Women Student.

Hi, I'm Nicole 


I'm Nicole, a mother, advocate, space holder, and a proud neurodivergent individual. My journey has been deeply intertwined with the challenges of raising five children, all diagnosed with neurodivergence, including ASD and ADHD, along with various co-morbidities.

I understand the unique struggles that mothers and caregivers face in navigating the complex world of neurodiversity. My own journey has been marked by challenges in mental health and wellbeing, caregiver burnout, and parental distress. I've personally experienced the physical toll of hormonal imbalances, exhaustion, and health issues like thyroid and gut problems. Mentally, I've battled exhaustion, low mood, anxiety, and depression, all while coping with the profound responsibility of caring for my children's unique needs.

But amidst these challenges, I've also found strength, resilience, and a calling to help others on a similar path. My qualifications and experiences in health and wellness, including being an Advanced Clinical EFT Practitioner, Life Coach, Certified Holistic Health Coach, and more, have equipped me with valuable insights and strategies to support you on your journey.

My mission is to empower women, mothers, and caregivers to prioritize their mental health and wellbeing, to overcome the burdens of stress, overwhelm, and burnout, and to rediscover their self-worth and self-esteem. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of neurodiversity, embrace self-care, and build a nurturing community of support.

"The FEMME Shed, supports the mental health & wellbeing for women, mothers & carers navigating neurodiversity".

Trust your intuition that gut feeling for what feels right.
Stay in your own lane - never compare your or your children's journey with anyone else. 
Be open, curious and always learning.
Celebrate all the win's - particularly the littlest things.
When in the middle of the dark, difficult & hard days, be kind and gentle to yourself.  Rest and pick yourself up ready for tomorrow.  
Go for a walk, get out in nature to and find the joy in the things that light you up - even for 5 minutes.
Create your Self Care Toolbox with the things you can grab or do at anytime, anywhere.
Stress doesn't have a time schedule, have on hand a mini self care toolbox in your handbag, in the car anywhere you can grab to help
reduce the cortisol/stress hormone levels & reduce the impact the fight or flight response.
If you are calm it has a on-flow affect to your kids and the whole family 
Always, Always, Always practice Self Care and compassion to yourself.


Lesson's I've Learnt Along The Way

"One step at a time is further from where you started"

How I Like To Relax

spa under the stars
(hot tub)

Favorite Drink

almond cappuccino

Favorite Season


Dream Vacation

bergen, norway

How many Children


Favorite TV Show

Escape to the chateau

6 Random Facts


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