Nicole was patient, & comforting throughout the session.  I am someone that struggles with anxiety & being present.  I have tried numerous forms of meditation in the past, however I have found nothing as effective as the tapping. The discussions that I had with Nicole after each tapping session is wehere I'd learn more about really connecting with myself.  EFT is a skill that I will be using for years to come.

Client Love


Lauran A

Hello!  I have almost forgotten about our session on shopping lol.  It's been good.  I haven't bought anything.  I fell like I've been having a lot more fun.  It's been good.  

"Shopping Addiction Session"

Hannah s

Thankyou for checkin in.  Everything welt well.  I was calm & my nerves were under control.  Thankyou for helping clearing some of that the night before.  Thankfully results came back non-threatening.

"Anxious over 2yr daughter's medical appointment"

Amanda P

Hi Nicole! Thanks for checking in!  Doing well - I think our session has uncovered a lot, I've been tapping on more stuff since!. xx

"Food Addiction & Fear of Death Session"

Laura a

Nicole has a way of getting to where we need to go, softly & subtly. You don't even notice it & then all of a sudden you're there and you're crying and releasing. Fantastic Sessions with Nicole!

"I felt very understood with Nicole, she has a very nuturing nature "

Dianna M

I'm so grateful for your help.   I wow the power of tapping & your beautiful energy! I have never experienced a session like the ones we had. 
Thankyou Nicole.  

"You truly are an angel Nicole"

Sonya M

By the end of our session the pain in my body had gone, I felt so much lighter & brighter. I felt my shoulders had dropped - it felt like a huge weight had been lifted. I am blown way and can't Thankyou enough for our session together. 

"Start of session my intensity was 8/10, by the end it was 1/10!"

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