EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping, is a fast effective tool for releasing toxins, beliefs, thoughts, habits and patterns adopted throughout your lifetime.

Holistic Healing Meets Emotional Empowerment


EFT is a brief, self-applied stress reduction technique, using elements of Cognitive Therapy with Physical Stimulation of Meridian Accupunture Points.  EFT helps restore balance & energy in the body. 

EFT combines the principles of Ancient Chinese Medicine and Modern Psychology


As a mother, as well as all five children with neurodiversity, I intimately understand the challenges faced by women, mothers, and carers in navigating the complexities of daily life. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, is a powerful tool I utilize myself as well as supporting individuals on their journey to mental wellness and wellbeing. 
EFT involves gently tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on challenging emotions or experiences. This simple yet profound technique can help release negative emotions, reduce stress and overwhelm, and promote a sense of calm and clarity. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, overwhelm, or the demands of being pulled in every direction, EFT offers a safe and effective way to cultivate emotional resilience and reclaim your inner strength.

EFT can also be particularly helpful in addressing the demands we experience navigating either our own, or our children’s neurodiversity challenges, with feelings of sadness, loneliness, and isolation we can experience. EFT offers a safe and effective way to cultivate emotional resilience, reclaim your inner strength and providing a supportive pathway towards healing and connection

EFT is a fast effective tool for releasing toxins, beliefs, thoughts, habits and patterns adopted throughout your lifetime.

"Join me on this transformative journey towards great emotional freedom & holistic wellbeing".

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